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Events, Projects  活動及特別項目

We organize workshops on regular basis about unique fashion designs, interesting patterns, and practical sewing skills. Come and join us to share ideas and spark your imagination!


Fashion Upcycling Project (Ms. N. Fung) - collaborate and assist in the  fashion upcycling creations for a university fashion degree graduation show collection. ​ (4/2022) 
永續時尚之舊衣改造項目(N. Fung 女士)- 協助此舊衣改造項目的製作,完成大學時裝設計系學生的畢業設計系列。
Member of Costume Design Team for musical theatre piece Le Carnaval Mascarade, with Vox Vanguard, at K11 Musea Hong Kong)(12/ 2021)
參與K11 Musea 的音樂劇 Le Carnaval Mascarade 舞台服裝製作團隊。

Photo credit: Vox Vanguard

Shorten Jeans with Original Hem Workshop (10/ 2021) 
​ 原裝褲腳 改短牛仔褲- 工作坊
Cocoon Dress Workshop (9/25, 2021)
繭型裙設計 - 工作坊
Classes In Action  上課實況
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